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............................................................--- Bug Netting Installed at Boatyard ---
First a quick review in case you didn't read about the construction of the bug netting back at home. There are fore/aft running straps that connect all of the dodger/bimini supports. They have common sense fasteners hanging from them that can slide fore/aft. The bug netting hangs under and inside of the dodger/bimini on the fasteners. This greatly reduces the places that bugs can enter as the enclosure except at the dodger end is a continuos enclosure with no attach openings for bugs to go past.
There are...
... three zippered door openings. One at the stern, left of the arrow above (the recess there is to clear the backstay), and ....
...one on the port and starboard sides just aft of the dodger (right arrow above).
The netting installed in minutes on the boat the first go.....
...around and came down as easily. We made the sides maybe a little longer than we had to at home, but...
... the extra length makes it real easy to put them inside and put the cockpit cushions on top of them.
The left arrow points to the stern zippered door and you can see how the netting here jogs in to clear the backstay (left arrow also).
The front of the netting tucks in to the side supports for the rear part of the dodger.
The front of the dodger has its own screen that zippers in or out of the dodger. Underway it will probably be zipped out and stored. There is more about it in the dodger build.
Above you can see how the enclosure hangs from the straps and common sense fasteners. The straps and male part of the fasteners remain on the dodger/bimini supports at all times.
The netting sides roll up in minutes and there are buckled straps to secure the netting. Underway the netting will probably come down unless we are only moving a short distance.
To remove it you first roll it up like above. Next I start from the stern and unsnap it from the fasteners and Ruth holds it if we are both available. I'll work towards the dodger and untwist the fasteners while Ruth holds it until I'm at the dodger. We then stuff into a bag...
...that we made for it. Takes but a couple minutes and you pull it out of the bag in the reverse order and work towards the stern to put it back up. I hook the front couple snaps on the dodger and Ruth pulls it to the stern and I walk under it and twist the common sense fasteners...............
A view forward with the netting rolled up and the screened front window removed.
A view of the boat from the ground (please forgive the laundry hanging out (we were living on the boat).
A better view of the stern area where you can see the stern zippered door just ahead of the backstay that does not penetrate the netting.
Another view and a better one of the door.
Another of the starboard side. The mop is not there underway or at least I hope we don't have it there. Also the boat's name was SEA YA. That will be changed to Margaret Ann (my mom's middle name and Ruth's middle name).
A side view. Also in the view is power and water lines from the ground. You can also see the side panel of the bimini that we have to modify so that it reaches the vertical row of fasteners on the back of the dodger.
Finally a picture of the netting rolled up and secured. We feel good about the enclosure, but only a test in the real world will tell. There were bugs in the boatyard at night, but we didn't leave the netting up as we wanted to finish and I had to start on the solar panel mount next. This was July 2012 and it was getting very hot and humid on the boat for us.
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