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.....................Greenhouse Footers & Gas Station Island
Before winter really set in I wanted to finish pouring any concrete that was needed to finish the framing of the building, so the forms for the attached greenhouse were next. I dug holes every 6 feet along the perimeter of the greenhouse wall about 14 inches in diameter and down below frost line (30 inches). Then I built the form which is 8 inches wide by 12 inches deep that ran along over these holes. This is called a "grade beam". The 8 x 12 beam (footer looking section) is supported by concrete columns, that are the concrete filled holes under the beam. The holes and beam can be poured at the same time or separately.
View showing the anchor bolts for the walls. The pipe to the right is the sewer clean-out that is required outside the building.
Another view of the forms.
This will be the fake gas pump island at the front of the building. I want the front of the building facing the street and next to my store to look like a 1930's gas station. The two sets of bolts in the middle of the concrete at each end will be where metal brackets attach, which will hold the vertical posts for the pump overhang.
The pipes in the middle that stick out of the concrete will be where the pumps will set. Wiring will run from the building underground through conduit to these pipes and to the pumps. This is so I will be able to light up the globes on top of the pumps at night. The pumps will be for looks only and won't be able to pump gas.
.................Here you can get a better sense of how the pump island will fit in with the front of the building. You can also see the holes above the window opening where the beams will slide in. They will come out to the posts that will be on the island. There will be a roof on top of the beams to create a shelter over the pumps.
This work was completed by November 27th, 2002
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