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............................................................................--- Dinghy Chaps Page 3 ---
These small pieces were cut and hemmed...
...for use where ...
... webbing was installed to ...
.... tie the cover..
... to the outside of the dinghy and ...
... to the inside.
A bottom piece of webbing was sewn onto the stern piece that the strap around the bottom of the cover will attach to via the buckle there. Also strips, top arrows, were sewn to this piece to ...
... capture the webbing that wraps around the tube. There is a strap on the outside, the top and...
... down on the inside.
Another view of the outside of this piece with the various straps and and other...
... of the inside. The arrows point to two additional pleats put in the piece to help make it fit better.
On to the last piece at the bow.
It was marked and ....
.... cut and ...
.... made similar to the pieces....
... just astern of it. The arrow points to an inside and outside attach point.
The arrows above point to the pockets for the bottom strap around the dinghy that were made back on the first page.
A view of the inside. Notice that at this point the individual sections still haven't been joined.
We decide to make a bumper/fender for each side of the dinghy to protect it when it is tied at docks or tied along side the MacGregor since that boat doesn't have dinghy davits. What looks like straps above are 4 tubes that line can pass along inside of.
The lines that will go in the tubes are the ones that hold up the fenders, shown partially made above. They are constructed from PVC tubing.
The lines tie to the inside of the boat, arrows.
Above the lines are now in the tubes that were made.
The fender wraps around the ends of the dinghy some and those were later extended.
Straps of fabric were sewn on to locate the tubes for the lines going to the fenders. They locate the lines fore-aft and also the one above locates the fender vertically.
Next came 'boat number' required by law in our state since we have an outboard on the dinghy. These were made from a combination of Top Gun and Sunbrella. The arrow points to the back side of one.
Stencils were used to outline the numbers that were later painted in.
These pockets were made to hold the year/month stickers. In my haste I put the month number on the one for the port side ahead of the year and the month numbers in our state should be to the stern of the boat. I was lucky that our registration was due and they gave me new month numbers at the same time I got the 2013 year stickers so I got this fixed. The rest of the pictures show the numbers in the wrong sequence for the port side so ignore that.
A piece was added to join the boat number section to the year/month section. It is at an angle as all of this wraps around the tubes near the bow.
The straps above were made so as to coordinate the colors with the number plates.
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....................................................YouTube Videos:Overview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01ZIdhxPv7Y&feature=channel
Bottom Pocket and Strap: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ww1WPUTmdZw&feature=related
Under Seat Storage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrrUjnW3IEU&feature=youtu.be
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