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....Rear Suspension Part II the Outer Lever Arm
.............The tubes I finished on the last page will get lever arms on the outboard end going to the hub area and on the inboard end going to the springs/shocks. On this page we will make one of the outer lever arms. I started by making a pattern and trying it out. The lever arm will have a bend to it since the tube couldn't extend further out without running into the sidewall of the tire.
After having problems making the two pieces I wanted identical I finally got the idea to tack them together a couple places and grind them to the final shape together. I had to cut the hole and the outer shape with the cutting torch and then use the die grinder and 4 inch grinder to get them to a final shape.
Even though I only had one pattern in the first picture the arm will be made from two pieces of 3/16 inch X 4 inch strap that ended up being about 3 1/2 inches across. You can see the holes are a little elliptical to fit the round tube at an angle. One more so than the other.
Here are the two pieces tacked to the tube in a trial fit. The one closest to you is straight and the far one has a slight bend to it near the hub.
After I was satisfied with the fit I welded them to the tube on the inside and outside of both pieces. I was somewhat worried about distorting the tube and my aluminum bushing no longer fitting. I welded in 1/4 circumference segments around the tube at at time and alternated those welds 180 degrees to each other. When I was finished I cleaned up the inside with a wire brush and lightly with a round grinding stone in the drill. The bushing still fits fine :-).
Next I made a paper pattern to box the arm in with some 1/8 inch strap. I transferred the pattern to the strap and ground it to shape with the hand grinder. I tacked it on the arm and wrapped it around the back side and bottom. Then finished welding it all the way around the arm.
With the arm upside down and in the mill vise I machined the pad where it would ride on the 3/4 inch bolt flat. Then milled a 3/16 inch slot in it for a pad that Speedway sells for their torsion bar arms to do away with metal to metal contact. Actually I took one pad and cut it in half and will use the other half on the other lever arm on the other side of the car.
Here is the completed arm upside down showing the pad on the tip.
View of the top of the arm.
And the arm and tube in position. I moved the hub up and down and so far things look good. Next up is to make the inner lever arm that will go to the spring/shock and then do the whole thing over again for the other side.
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