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........................................................-- Dutz Tool --.................
Since I was going to be mounting a lot of the body with Dutz fasteners I wanted to make a tool to dimple the skin so the fastener would be flush with the body. I started with one mounting plate (upper left) and one Dutz fastener (upper right) and a 3/8 inch bolt and nut.
I cut off a piece of round stock and drilled a hole down the center of it with the lathe and welded it to the plate (top arrow). Next I cut the head off of the bolt and welded the bolt to the dutz fastener (bottom arrow). The weld was cut down flush with the fastener so that the bolt/dutz could go through the plate.
The welding distorted the plate slightly, so I just riveted a second plate on top of the first one.
To use this I drilled a pilot hole where I wanted it and then used a step drill to take it to 7/16. Put the plate assembly on the back side and insert the dutz/bolt through and............
........ put the nut on and tighten it down and you pull the metal right into the recessed plate.
Then a handle was welded on from some round stock to make it easier to hold the plate assembly. Seems to work pretty well.
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