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.......-- Finish Primary Exhaust & Inlet Plenum --.................
To finish off the primary side of the exhaust I had to fill the gaps (bottom arrow) where they met the main exhaust flange. To do this I first made cardboard patterns.
I held the cardboard in the gap area and marked the top of the flange on the outside of the cardboard and ....
.......... then marked the pipe outline on the inside of the card board. Here the cardboard had moved up a little as I took the picture.
Then I cut the two lines on both sides of the cardboard and had the pattern (bottom). I marked that on some scrap steel and cut it out with the plasma cutter.
Then it was inserted and I would weld and then hammer on it a little to conform it to the space. It worked pretty good.
Here is the finish weld (bottom arrow). I also welded all of the joint together where I had turned the piece that I had cut off the top over and joined it to the bottom (top arrow).
The finished flange/pipe.
Finishing this finished the exhaust system except for paint. Now to finish the intake side.
To finish the plenum under the inlet scoop I cut and tacked in pieces of 20 gauge metal and .....
........... then finished welding them in.
Now the intake is finished except to connect the outlets on the side of this to the inlets on the front sides of the air box.
I took the exhaust/tail off the car so I could grind the bottom welds between the two arrows.
Now this is all done and ready to go back on the car so the body can be built to it on the bottom.
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