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..............................-- Intake/Exhaust/Tail Part II --.................
To continue on with building the plenum for the intake track I had to have two outlets, one on each side to direct air back to the air box on the Suzuki 750 engine. I needed 4 flanges, two for each side as I wanted the plumbing from this plenum back to the air box to be removable and for the future needs of a different system for the turbo motor. The hole saw was used to cut a hole through 4 pieces of .120 strap.
Then a flange pattern was drawn on each piece and they were drilled and ...............
.................. then cut to shape with the plasma cutter.
Two of the flanges were welded onto short pieces of tubing. The other two will bolt to these and will be welded to the tubing directing air back to the air box on the motor.
Next holes were drilled through two more pieces that will make up the sides of the plenum.
The pipe/flanges were inserted 3/4 of an inch into the side pieces and ................
...................welded into place on both sides. Then.......................
Those pieces were welded onto the plenum. It seems like I read that the air will flow better with the tubing inserted into the plenum a ways vs. welded flush, but I might be wrong on that.
Next some pieces were made to further shape and close in the plenum. It will stay like this for a while now and will be completed a few pages further into the build, but first......
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