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................................................Spring Mounts Part I
Up next was mounting the front springs to the lever arms and to the frame. I started with four pieces of 3/16 inch strap and marked the location for three holes and put them on top of one another and drilled the 3 holes in the mill/drill.
They were trimmed to rough shape with the plasma cutter and bolted together and ground to their final size. The two back holes (7/16") will be to mount these pieces to the lever arm and the front hole (5/8") is to mount the spring assembly.
The finished 4 brackets.
One the page before this one I had made bushings to hold these brackets off of the lever arm. Here I'm preparing to TIG weld them on to the brackets. The new Lincoln Precision TIG I just bought has proven to be really user friendly and even though I've been a Miller man I highly recommend it.
...................The TIG gave me a lot more control welding these pieces than what I would have had with my mig.
....The finished brackets mounted on the lever arms.
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