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.................................... Steering Bellcrank Part II
On the last page we finished the bellcrank and on this page I'll make a mount for the pivot point. Usually when I make a bracket to mount something I mount the item in place and then make the mount using the item to locate it. I attached the bellcrank to the rack & pinion and then leveled it so both legs were level. I clamped it into this position with the left c-clamp (left arrow) that attached it to a wood pedestal and I shimmed it to the frame (level) and clamped it there with the right c-clamp (right arrow).
Then I measured out from the frame to determine where the hole on this piece needed to be and made this piece with the chop saw, grinder and mill/drill (for the hole). It is 3/16 X 2 inch strap.
I then bolted the piece to the bellcrank through the pivot hole (bolt is removed for the picture) and welded the bracket to the frame.
Next I made the bottom mount by first cutting and drilling the horizontal piece directly under the bellcrank. I used the pivot bolt to bolt it to the bellcrank. Then I made the three upright pieces and tacked them to the frame and the horizontal piece bolted to the bellcrank.
Finally I went back to the top piece and tacked in a couple more gussets.
Here is the finished bellcrank. Well almost finished, I will add guides above and below the bellcrank where the arrow is to give it some support in that area. They will come off of the support that will go out to locate the end of the radius arm for the axle. The bellcrank seems to work just fine and there is no noticeable slop when moving the rack & pinion and holding the temporary tie rod.
It is the Monday before Speed Week (2006) and Hooley and John will be here late tonight with the race car (Hooley's Stude) along with 8 other people from Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, Michigan and Arizona. We will go out tomorrow on a hike to a 1000 year old Anasazi indian ruin. We will take another hike on Wednesday. Thursday we will make the 430 mile drive up to the salt and setup our pits Friday and run Saturday. This is going to be a great week. Sure hope my lakester will be making the trip this time next year.
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