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Quartuch - Dr. Chop --
My first Streetrod was a '23 T-Bucket. I paid $40 for the original steel
body to my Model A buddy. It's running a '76 Cadillac 500, TH-400 Trans. with a shift kit and a narrowed (9"
per side) Dana 60 Full-floating rear axle from a 3/4 ton Dodge truck. An Old rusty Chevette supplied the front
suspension, wiring, steering column and brake parts. The radiator is also from the Dodge truck.
The windshield is handmade and the neato front turn signals came from a Honda scooter. I fabbed up the headers and side pipes. The frame was scratch-built and the rear suspension is Dodge truck and Chevy car tie rods, in a 4-link/coil suspension layout. The seat is a narrowed VW Rabbit rear seat. This second picture is spray can black pearl paint.
Dig the
skinny rear/fat tires and the see-thru valve covers on the purple 500 inch Caddy. These last two pictures ore of
the C-cab re-body that was started. I sold the car for $1,500.00 with the bucket body on it. The plan was to have
2 different bodies for the for the chassis that could be swapped in an hour or so. Split-personality Streetrod.
I still have this C-cab body framework. The plan is use foam-core and 'glass to make it complete. It will fit right
on the Eldo-clipped rear engine chassis. The one I've now got converted into a trike.
This wasn't exactly my first car (that was a Gremlin), but it was the first I built almost totally from scratch with no plans, just a picture in my head. Went from idea to titled car in 6 months. It cost about $900.00 total. Told you guys I'm a scrounger. Dr. Chop