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...........................................--- Boat Specs From the Advertisement ---
..................................................................--- For the Boat ---
........................................................................--- April 2011 ---
One item missing above is that the boats displacement is 20,000 lbs. with 8,000 lbs. of ballast making the boat very stable with a 'capsize ratio' well under the 2.0 recommended at 1.71 and the 'motion comfort' is also very high at 36.43 compared to say a 34 foot Catalina's 2.02 and 23.24.
We pulled the 12/120 volt frig out as it has a front opening door. I'm making a much more energy efficient 12 volt freezer/frig that will be of chest type. We also pulled the microwave oven out of the boat as we won't be running 110 volt items on the boat.
The 2 hand/foot pumps need to be replaced.
The head has a macerator on it. Since the discharge lines for the head all stink since they are old and permeated their will be all new discharge lines and a new holding tank installed. I'm also going to plumb it in a different manner to make the options for dumping the holding tank more flexible.
The propane tanks were of the old type and new ones won't fit into their lockers. A popular mod on the boat is to use the cockpit icebox storage under the port cockpit seat into a propane locker as it is vented out the bottom. A 20 lb. bottle will fit in there and that is most likely what we will do.
The Bimini and Dodger are very worn and we will use them as patterns for Ruth to sew up some new ones using Sunbrella Ocean Blue like on our Mac.
The starboard sail/storage locker under the starboard cockpit seat is huge. To service the steering, transmission, back of the engine and all the thru hulls at the stern of the boat you actually open a door in the front of the locker and climb down into the locker and then thru the door where all of the above systems are then readily available. With the exception of the chain plates you can get to all of the rest of the boats systems easily. A very friendly boat to work on. Some loss of interior space, but since I like to work on/repair as many things as I can I will gladly take the trade off.
The UV protection on the Genoa is now brown and Ruth will also remove that and sew the Ocean Blue on in its place. The reefing is very easy to use on the boat and when the sail is down on the second reef there isn't a lot of sail up. There is a winch on the mast to raise the main, but under normal conditions I can pull it up. The way the sails and traveler and such is rigged is just like our Mac, but items are larger. I don't see any real problems with the two of us handling the boat, especially with the auto pilot there also.
We will keep the separate engine battery and the two 6 volt house battery banks, but will, at least for a while, disconnect the Heart inverter/charger from the system and make the system easier to trouble shoot and maintain and have it very similar to our Mac. I'll run the circuits through distribution panels with spade fuses like on the Mac. Also we have 6 80 watt solar panels that are going on the boat along with a MPPT Charge Controller. The diesel has a 100 amp alternator on it, but I hope to not use the diesel for charging like the PO did. The solar should take care of most of our needs and if we don't want to use the diesel/alternator we have the Honda 2000 and a good 110 volt charger that will charge the batteries.
With no main inverter we will only use 110 if the boat is in storage on land or in a slip. We do have a small pure sine wave inverter that we use to charge batteries for cordless hand tools and if needed for other small items.
Most of the electronics is outdated and will be replaced. The boat needs a new depth finder. The VHF will be replaced with a Standard Horizons with DSC like what we have on the Mac for Safety. We will use the 12 volt computer I made along with the long range WiFi from the Mac also for computer needs and as a chart plotter using SeaClear II and NOAA charts. As before it will be connected to a Garmin handheld in the cockpit so that waypoints can be downloaded from SeaClear. We really like this combo. We are leaving the 9 inch 12 volt monitor we had on the Mac and we recently bought a 16 inch 10 watt monitor that will be used on this boat as our computer/chart plotter screen. We also bought a 21.5 inch 18 watt monitor and a remote mouse/keyboard to use with Ruth's laptop so that she has the benefits of those and we can watch movies on a larger monitor in the cabin area. Here computer runs on a 12 volt converter to cut power losses vs. running on a 110 inverter.
Next is a list of repairs/upgrades performed by the previous owner.
As you can see a lot of upgrades were made to the boat from 1998 to 2006. From 2006 on the boat wasn't used very much, so a lot of the upgrades are kind of like new.
We had a survey done on the boat and the main upgrades that we are doing besides the solar, some re-wiring, redoing the head discharge are as follows.
We wanted to check the bottom out and had the old bottom paint blasted off. There were about 40-50 blisters, but nothing real serious. They have been ground out as of June 2011 and are drying over the summer. If we can afford it we will have them filled before going back in the fall of 2011. Then I will either fill them or if the work is done I'll put on a barrier coat and probably 3 coats of ablative bottom paint and the bottom will be in good condition.
As mentioned the intake and discharge hoses for the head need replacing. Also a number of other hoses on the boat like the scupper hoses and diesel fuel tank fill hose are old and rotting and need replacing. I'll do this work in the fall.
Also the thru-hulls are old and some of the valves don't operate. The thru-hulls and valves will be replaced. This is a safety item that needs attention before the boat goes back into the water.
On our trip from where we bought the boat to where we have is stored now (70 miles) we lost the water in the 100 gallon holding tank into the bilge. At first I thought the tank had a leak in it, but then was not so sure as the tank was empty and the water in the bilge higher than the bottom of the tank. On pulling the tank and checking it we didn't like the looks of the insides of it and decided to replace it. There is room to put 4 20 gallon poly tanks where the 100 was. We will loose some storage, but feel now if one tank has a problem we will still have 3 other ones and there is another place to put more water storage, so we still should have about 100 gallons of storage. The input and output of the new tanks will be via a manifold, so that they can be separated from each other if so needed in the distribution system.
With the above done the boat should be in good shape for a long time to come. Sooner or later we would probably replace the sails, but they are in good shape and should give us some years of service, especially for our needs.
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