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Don - DRD57- The B&W photo is my first set of wheels. No, not the car, the tricycle to the right of the car. You see, I was only about 3 1/2 years old in August of '61. Although I wanted one, the State of California didn't see clear to offer me a driver's license for another 13 years. That's me to the left of the sports car. The car was my dad's. Don't remember too much about it other that it was a glass body on a 51 Henry J chassis. It was painted a dark metallic green. The '58 Biscayne down the driveway was dad's too.
'67 Olds f85 was dad's too but, at least he let me drive it while I was in high school. Pretty hard to get in too
much trouble with it. It only had a 250 six cyl with a 3 on the tree. Pretty odd to see an Olds that was a stripped
model. It had rubber carpet and didn't even have a radio. He bought it brand new for $1777. It was one of those
bait and switch deals at a local dealer. But the dealer didn't figure on someone as determined or stubborn as my
dad coming in to buy it. Dad let me spray a new Aztec gold paint job on it and he sprung for the slot mags and
60 series tires so it at least looked halfway cool.
The '36 2 door hump back was the first car that I actually bought with my own money. I paid $200 for it in 1974.
I was in way over my head on this one and ended up trading it for a '57 Nomad before I got it on the road.
The S-10 was the first and only vehicle I ever bought. It was a loaded '82 with a 2.8 & 5 speed. I didn't actually drive it with those rally's on it. I only had 2 of 'em. I just slapped them on the left side and took a picture of it to see what it would look like.