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.............--- Scatter Shield, Fuel, Exh. and Elect. ---..........
Clutch scatter shield bracket : These (2) little support brackets, one on each side took most of a day to fabricate and install. Only about 300 days to Speedweek.
Front of tail pipe : Decided to run the exhaust out the back into a low pressure area. The exhaust headers are stock early Saturn. 4 into 2 into 2 1/2" tail pipe. Not sure what that will do to the back pressure but it should help the aero a little. It would have been a lot easier to run a short exhaust out the side
Mid exhaust support : looking for heavier clamps here. Homemade support.
Rear section of tail pipe : Snake act here with open support at the end.
.....................Throttle hydraulic slave cyl : Mazda clutch slave cylinder accuating Hayabusa T.B's
....................Adjustable motion limiter for slave cyl : This is an important item because the hydraulic cylinder will have enough pressure to take out the throttle shaft without something else to limit the stroke.
....................Battery cut out switch : The switch is well forward so the battery cables will be short.
Control knob for battery disconnect :The black knob (looking for a red one) controls the battery disconnect switch.
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